The purpose of this release was to polish things up, but some great features snuck in as well including a vastly enhanced Support Ticket UI, Picture-in-Picture support on iOS, improved UniFi Protect support via a new Integration, a streamlined Add Camera flow, and finally you can now lay out cameras with a vertical size constraint (meaning that they’ll scroll horizontally).
Here’s a quick Picture-in-Picture demo.
- Adds more stats to the Account ==> Purchases screen: max cameras, max devices, max recording days.
- Prevents multiple shares from being created for a single camera.
- Delete associated shares when deleting a camera
- Don't show the Switch-to-Remote button when connecting to an Attached camera because if it is local, we can't remote connect, and if it isn't local, we auto-remote-connect
- Fixes an issue where going full screen on a camera resulted in a skewed version of the camera being displayed in the background (DV)
- Overhauls the Support Ticket UI. There's no new functionality here, but the ugly table view ui is gone
- PiP (Picture in Picture) support when streaming a single camera. All of the code is in place for this to work on tvOS, but it simply doesn't work. Additionally, it's a hamstrung feature on anyway, since PiP doesn't support app switching on tvOS.
- Only speak with CMCAVSpeechSynthesisTalker on a background queue. I'm hoping this'll prevent some dropped frames that sometimes occurs when speaking an announcement.
- Automatically update a camera's name to reflect a name change on a UniFi Protect system. This is limited to the UniFi integration and doesn't work if you merely configure an RTSP camera that happens to be served by a Protect system.
- Renames the Account tab to Settings to better reflect its function
- Updates the tutorial text to reflect this name change
- Overhauls architecture for integration-based cameras
- Add your Google Nest or UniFi Protect integration in the Settings tab
- Each such camera has an integration association
- Update your authentication for the integration and it applies to all of the associated cameras
- Backwards compatibility with already added Nest / UniFi cameras
- Overhauls the flow for adding cameras
- Everything starts with the Add a Camera screen
- Immediately see all discovered cameras including ONVIF, HomeKit, Attached, Google Nest, UniFi Protect
- Choose a discovered camera or the Add Manually option
- This is used for ONVIF, RTSP and Shared camera creation
- Help articles are now directly accessible on the setup screen for Google Nest, UniFi protect integrations
- Changed stuff in the Settings tab
- The Invite button moved from the Actions screen to the Members screen
- The Join button moved from the Actions screen to the Accounts screen
- Renamed the Action section to Junk Drawer
- Fixes an issue where a newly added HomeKit camera did not get the correct default name
- When viewing the Configure screen for a Google Nest camera, if the underlying device's name has changed, that new name will be displayed and saved (if the user hits the Save button)
- About screen changes
- Updates the background with the blurred Streamie logo
- Improves legibility by choosing a better font color
- Adds support for sharing a Google Nest camera
- Adds a File Server Details cell at the top of the main (Cameras) screen when viewing NAS recordings
- Adds a Delay setting (zero, 0.25s, 0.5s, 1s, 2s) to each camera that controls the time for which frames are queued before being displayed (DV)
- Use caution with this feature because it will dramatically increase memory use
- Refactored the Help tab to create a unified coordinator for iOS and tvOS
- The camera layout controller (Quilt) now supports a vertically-constrained layout that scrolls horizontally. You can toggle this layout setting while you're streaming cameras
- Fixes a crash that occurs when a remote notification is received before PenguinService is initialized.
- Fixes a crash that can occur when attempting to bootstrap a UniFi Protect connection (DV).
- Fixes the page control indicator colors in the first-time-launch Tutorial so that its actually visible.
- When updating a HomeKit camera, the name of the camera is now automatically updated to reflect the name of the HomeKit device
- Filters out HomeKit cameras when creating a new Share, because it is not possible to share a HomeKit camera
- Adds the Streamie version number to the Settings ==> Members screen for each member device
- Fixes a truly awful user experience when creating manual URL or ONVIF cameras
- Standardizes on Okay instead of a mishmash of Okay and Ok.
- Adds support for displaying clear error messages to the user when something goes wrong while trying to stream a HomeKit camera
- Fixes account switching so that it will actually refresh all of the app content after an account switch.
- Touches up the appearance of the live-stream and snapshot watermarks for free users.
- Removes the Name field from the HomeKit Configure screens because I want the camera name to track the HomeKit accessory name
- Fixes an issue where closed Tuxedo connections were not removed from the connections list, leading to the possibility of trying to reuse a closed connection, which doesn't really accomplish what you might hope for.
Created: 2 years ago
Updated: 4 months ago
Author: Curtis Jones
Topics: Ubiquiti Release Notes Camera Groups Picture in Picture
Streamie provides a best-in-class user experience on your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and Apple Silicon Mac, with an intuitive user interface that makes it simple to discover, stream, record, monitor and share your HomeKit, Google Nest, Ubiquiti UniFi Protect and ONVIF-compatible IP and RTSP cameras. Streamie keeps you informed with motion event notifications and it works with most cameras using its advanced audio and video codec support. You can watch your cameras from anywhere, record 24/7 to your private NAS, remotely manage multiple locations, device permissions and seamlessly synchronize settings across your devices; configure Hubitat smart home automations, live stream to YouTube and rely on the in-app technical support system when you need help -- and you can also reach us by phone. Download Streamie today for all of your CCTV needs.